Andriy Slynchuk has described eleven things Internet users do that may be illegal. Review what the author says and write a paragraph describing the five most serious violations and why you think those offenses are serious.

  1. Using unofficial Streaming Services
  2. Collection information about children
  3. Using torrent services
  4. Faking your identity online
  5. Using other people’s internet Networks

While any violation of the law can be serious, theft can have unforeseen victims. Using unofficial streaming services and torrents to pirate not only hurts the owner of the stolen material, it could affect the economic standing of official streaming services and the customers that pay for their services. That in turn could potentially cause a legitimate streaming source to shut down due to lack of funds, thus taking a potential paycheck from the owners that stream on said service. Faking an identity online can also have far reaching ramifications especially with younger individuals. With social media becoming more and more central to our lives, even a post made as a joke can cause issues. Take for example an individual at school thinks another did them wrong. This individual goes out and collects some information this other child. They then chose the right time and wording to post it under a false name as revenge. That other child could potential lose out on scholarships, and possible jobs, depending on how far someone wanted to search. Even something as simple as using someone else’s internet could potentially get an unrelated person in trouble if the person stealing internet decides to download something illegal.